
Practice Assignments

  1. Simple Calculator - Sum,Diff,Product,Divison,Quotient,Remainder,Exponential
  2. Simple Calculator - Take input from File in1.txt (8 in first line, 4 in second line) and in2.txt (8,4 on single line)
  3. Print Even Numbers, Odd Numbers, Prime Numbers
  4. Check if a Number if Positive, Negative or Zero
  5. Print Mathematical Tables from 3 to 8
  6. Print Mathematical Tables from 3 to 8 - Take from File in3.txt (3 in first line, 8 in next line)
  7. Print Mathematical Tables from 3 to 8 - Send to Output File ou3.txt
  8. School Clock.Compute the angle between the Hour hand and the Minute hand from 9:00 am to 8:55 pm with a spacing of 5 minutes.
  9. Read File inConvert.txt and write the equivalent unit-value conversion into outConvert.txt
  10. Andaman Prisoner. 100 prison cells. Jailor asked to free some prisoners. Who are the lucky prisoners?
  11. Gold Medal.26 students in class List toppers in each subject and overall GoldMedalist with highest total marks
  12. MailMerge for Insurance Payment Reminder. Create Personalized Message using a template file and a CSV file of customers