
Practice Assignments

  1. Mathematical tables from 3 to 20
  2. School Clock Angle b/w Hour hand and Minute hand
  3. Convert to different Units both ways
  4. Andaman Prisoner - Who are the lucky ones ?
  5. Gold Medalist and Topper in each Subject

  6. Covid Testing Centre - Which is nearest ?
  7. List top 10 countries with highest Corona deaths
  8. Difficult English words for TOEFL exam
  9. Remove all Special Characters from text
  10. Create unique set of Words arranged in Alphabetical order

  11. MailMerge for Insurance Payment Reminder
  12. Find Resolution of an Image
  13. Find Hash of a File
  14. Generate PDF file of 2020 Calendar
  15. Create Watermark in Image

  16. Generate GIF image
  17. Remove a section of the video
  18. Create maps of different US states from this master map
  19. Help the detective to identify gunshot sound from audio file
  20. List all permutations of the word BEAUTIFUL

  21. Generate a CountDown StopWatch for 5 minute
  22. Compute Electricity Bill for Southern California Edison
  23. Print Circle of Radius 10 using Turtle
  24. Print 3 Concentric Circles using any tool
  25. Plot X-Y Co-ordinates given in a file

  26. Convert List to Dictionary
  27. Convert Tuple to Dictionary
  28. Print a diamond shaped figure in 3 steps
  29. Build a Difference Checker Product
  30. Find all Leap Years from 2000 to 2400

  31. Matrix Multiplication
  32. Function for Prime Numbers
  33. Print A to Z, a to Z by converting ASCII to ORDINAL and vice versa
  34. Decimal to Binary
  35. Simple Calculator

  36. Scientific Calculator
  37. Find all triads which satisfy Pythogoras Theorem
  38. Create a Magic Square
  39. Solve the Soduku puzzle
  40. Find all Palindromes in the given File

  41. Find the Ghost Word in a Given Directory
  42. Convert Figures to Words
  43. Build a Quiz based on Dictionary for Country as Key and Capital City as Value for 200 countries
  44. Function to Round off to specified decimal places
  45. Function to generate Bank OTP using Random Numbers

  46. Find number of days to New Year using DateTime
  47. Write Face Recognition program to identify the 6 Indian-Americans below
  48. Preventing Credit Card Fraud by separating ODD-EVEN Digits
  49. Password Generator
  50. Play a Word-Building Game. Computer vs Human. Who wins ?

  51. Personalized Question Paper for Delhi Public School Students
  52. Find your Computer Name and IP Address
  53. Write a program to read email IDs of number of students and store them in a tuple. Create two new tuples,one to store only the usernames from the email IDs and second to store domain names from the email IDs. Print all the three tuples at the end of the program [Hint: You may use the function split()]
  54. Generate a Calendar for 2025 by printing 365 lines containing Day, Date, Month and Year - eg Wed, 01-Jan-2025